What is the abortion pill and is it reversible?

Taking a pill to end your unplanned pregnancy sounds easy enough. One pill and you’re done, right? Except it isn’t one pill, and it isn’t that easy. Any medical procedure, including abortion, is a serious decision. You need to be aware of the possible side effects and risks. Get the facts before you choose the abortion pill method. 

Before the abortion

The abortion pill (medication abortion) is actually a two-step process rather than taking one pill. You are only eligible for the abortion pill method if you are less than ten weeks into your pregnancy. After ten weeks, you would need to have a surgical abortion. Find out where you are in your pregnancy by getting a no-cost ultrasound at the Pregnancy Clinic.

A medication abortion

Once you have an ultrasound and determine your pregnancy is ten weeks or less, you can start the abortion pill procedure. To begin, you take the first drug which blocks the production of the hormone progesterone. This first drug causes the lining of the uterus to thin and prevents the fetus from staying implanted.  

You are given the second drug to take hours or even days after the first drug. The second drug causes your body to cramp in order to expel the fetus.  

Risks and side effects of the abortion pill 

It is vital to be under a doctor’s supervision when considering any abortion. The Mayo Clinic lists these as potential risks of the abortion pill method: 

  • Abdominal cramping as you pass the fetus  
  • Heavy bleeding with blood clots also occurs due to passing the fetus
  • A fever, which could indicate a pelvic infection, which should be checked by a medical professional  
  • Occasionally, a medical abortion is incomplete, and you will have to return to finish the procedure, often with a surgical procedure 
  • Death by sepsis if the fetus is not completely expelled 
  • Emotional side effects including depression, guilt, a sense of loss, and sadness

Is the abortion pill reversible?

The answer, very simply, is “yes.” It is possible to reverse the effects of taking the abortion pill.

Is abortion pill reversal (APR) safe?

The abortion pill reversal (APR) process involves flooding the pregnant woman’s system with progesterone, either with pills or injections. Timing is everything. Studies suggest that progesterone should be given within 72 hours after a woman has taken the first drug of the abortion pill method. 

Progesterone is a natural hormone and has been used with pregnancies for decades. Through abortion pill reversal, medical professionals estimate they have been able to save 64 – 68% of pregnancies.

How do I begin abortion pill reversal (APR)?

There is a 24-hour, nurse-staffed hotline you can call, The Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline, at 1-877-558-0333. You can also visit them online at www.abortionpillreversal.com

In some states, abortion clinics are required to let their patients know there is an abortion pill reversal. However, many other clinics do not mention APR. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed about an unplanned pregnancy and would like to talk with someone about your options, the staff at Pregnancy Clinic is ready and available. Come in and verify your pregnancy with a free lab-quality pregnancy test. Schedule an appointment to talk with us about abortion procedures and your other options. We’re here for you!

The Pregnancy Clinic neither performs nor refers for abortion.